SG Small FIE Recording Apparatus
SG Small FIE Recording Apparatus
The following are included: power supply, remote, case. The new version of the SG12 has high luminosity green LEDs, white LEDs and yellow and red cards.
The SG12 is easy to transport and store and very simple to setup. Is has serial communications and can also operate with the higher end WSG31 remote. Can operate in slave mode if need be with any other SG machine.
Size 260mm by 170mm by 40mm with table stand.
Score digitals 45 mm by 30 mm.
Time digitals 35 mm by 25 mm.
How to pair a remote with a CSG12 apperatus.
- Plug in and switch the CSG12 on
- Ensure batteries are in the remote.
- Press the two red buttons on the front of the CSG12 at the same time
- Whilst doing this, press any key on the remote control.
This will now have paired the CSG12 to the remote.